Paul ‘Fatty’ Vautin Cops $300,000 paycut as Sterlo leaves
Today NRL Rugby League news looks at the Rugby League Footy Show for 2007. Sadly, with the on-going cost cutting at Channel 9 TV Studios – it seems the Rugby League Footy Show has become the next victim. Cutbacks have seen the Rugby League variety show lose one of it’s most admired panel members in Peter ‘Sterlo’ Sterling. The other major change sees lead panelist Paul ‘Fatty’ Vautin lose almost half of his estimated $600,000 yearly pay. Click here for full article info.

We’d like to hear from readers, who is your favourite Footy Show panel member? Will you miss Sterlo? Please click comment below.

By ricky

3 thoughts on “”
  1. Guess Fatty will be more depressed now! The show needs to concentrate more on league and less on slapstick. Warren Smith hosts a much better show on Fox and Sterlo could end up there.

  2. Mocco makes a really good point here. Has their been any speculation of Peter Sterling joining Fox for their weekly show?

    I don’t know if this is possible, as surely Peter Sterling’s weekend commentary commitments for 9 are still in place? And the 9 agreement in place my not let him work for another broadcaster?

  3. Good one Eddie here you are with a new show 1/mob and you FU#k up our
    NRL SHOW ..OH Sorry thats right your
    AFL Get Stuffed Channel NINE WANKERS..

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