Bulldogs and Kiwi International forward Sonny Bill Williams is again in the spotlight, after being caught by Police urinating in public after attending a night club in Cronulla.

Fresh from the Toilet incident with Candice Falzon, where Sonny Bill Williams photos and pictures spread around the world – this latest incident is sure to hurt Williams and Bulldogs who are already under fire for poor performances and constant media headlines.

Williams was allegedly at Cronulla nightclub ‘Fusion’ during the evening on Saturday night and after being hassled by club goers at various stages of the night – he decided to leave the venue and move on.

Sadly, the alcohol affected Williams relieved himself in public view – with the ‘wee’ catching the attention of local Police who took Williams into custody and fined him $650.

Sonny Bill is reported to be devastated by the latest incident, and has spoken to club officials at the Bulldogs about staying off the alcohol until such time as he can handle himself appropriately.

From the the Sonny Bill Williams and Candice Falzon photos and pictures affair, to Ben Roberts and Willie Tonga curfew ignorance, then Sonny Bill Williams going the ‘wee’ by urinating in public at Cronulla and now Ben Roberts getting arrested for drink driving – The Bulldogs clearly have massive issues, and these need to be dealt with pretty quickly for the clubs 2007 and futures sake.

Malcom Noad needs to sanction his stars or risk his own job – the former News guru being brought in to clean things up and take a hard stance.

In the NRL scheme of things it only gets harder, the Bulldogs have a seriously tough task this week – heading to Brookvale to take on the competition leading Sea Eagles. The Dogs usually lift for big matches, but Manly and Brooky is a massive ask for an out of sorts Bulldogs.

It’s only a matter of time until we see those ‘Dogs of War’ headlines again – lets just hope their aren’t anymore casualties of war as the Bulldogs carnival rolls on.

By ricky

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