Canberra Raiders half Todd Carney has today officially been cut loose by the Raiders club.
Club CEO Don Furner has confirmed this morning that Todd Carney has been sacked after the Raiders board deliberated over his future after a series off off-field scandals and incidents.
A seriously talented upcoming NRL star, the decision must have been a hard one for the Canberra Raiders. Todd Carney has been protected by the Raiders several times and it seems his off-field behaviour is beyond control or repair.
The Raiders have previously thrown Todd Carney a lifeline, last year pushing Steve Irwin into the firing line to take the fall for Carney and most recently throwing Bronx Goodwin to the wolves and protecting Todd Carney once again.
However after repeated offences off the field, it seems the Raiders have had enough.
The NRL has told the Raiders they will support the club and not allow Todd Carney to be registered with another club for the 2009 season.
It’s expected Carney will seek out a spot in the UK Super League for 2009 and possibly return to the NRL the year after.
i think its for the best he needs to learn
im using my daughters email im a canberra raiders fan im a kiwi my parents are irish from munster we know you can not play till 2011 nrl but you can play for ireland in the world cup L tell your agent sign up for munster in rugby union and play in urocup and then you play for ireland in the world cup rugby union and then you will be the half back to be sure to be sure sonny bill w, is good but you are the best half back ireland will ever have!! pjm