Current Knights no.7 Jarrod Mullen has been quizzed along with Racing identity Allan Robinson, along with a Mr. X who has been winning big consistently on bush races. Racing NSW boss Ray Murrihy spoke with the Knights no.7 after his mobile phone number came up in investigations that were being conducted into the racing winnings.
Early reports also suggest a lower grade Rugby League player may also be quizzed as the probe continues.
“To be honest, I was surprised when I got a call about all this,” Mullen said last night. “I know Allan Robinson quite well and have done so for a few years now. He lives in Newcastle and has a strong affiliation with many of the Knights players and officials. In fact, pretty much everyone in Newcastle knows who Robbo is.
“He is a well liked character and a supporter of rugby league. In fact, he is a Manly tragic. I ring him occasionally as a mate and that’s it. We socialise occasionally.
“I know nothing about the allegations against him and, to be honest, I haven’t even followed what’s been happening.
“I was informed my number has appeared in his phone records and I’m not afraid to say that’s more than likely correct. We ring each other from time to time as good friends do and I am sure other people call him regularly and he calls people as well.”
As Mullen’s conversation suggests, the case of the phone calls may simply be ‘friendly’ catchups with the larrakin ‘Robbo’ – however, the buzz remains regarding the discovery of Mullens number.
Racing NSW boss Ray Murrihy wouldn’t elaborate on Mullen’s involvement and refused any further comment on the Knights half at this stage.
He said: “It’s our policy for an interim inquiry, whether a charge has been levelled or not, that stewards do not release the identity of any party, whether those parties are under investigation or witnesses.
“That’s done for good reason because those persons are entitled to their name not being joined in the matter, if ultimately it’s found that there’s no charge to answer and no findings.”
However Robinson remains under investigation by Racing NSW, but as yet no charges have been laid.
NRL chief executive David Gallop was unaware of the situation when contacted by media last night – but apparently intends to delve deeper today.
Gallop confirming he will ring Knights officials to get a clearer understanding of the situation.