The National Rugby League (NRL) have unveiled their new headquarters, which is set to built closeby to one of Sydney’s most prestigious NRL stadiums, the Sydney Football Stadium.
The building, which will house the NRL HQ, is estimated to be at a cost of about $17.4 million, with the incoming Independent Commission expected to be housed there, along with the Australian, New South Wales and Country Rugby Leagues.
The new HQ will also be the location of the game’s education and learning programs for kids, and the new facility will also house a comprehensive exhibition of rugby league history.
“Rugby League Central unites the various leagues in one building and brings the community into the heart of the game’s administration,” NRL chief executive David Gallop said.
Both the federal and state governments have given money to the facility with $10.4 million and $1 million respectively.
The new building is expected to built on one of the existing carparks at the SFS.