The bumbling and embarrassing antics of Parramatta Eels Chief Executive Denis Fitzgerald keep continuing, this time even before NRL Rugby League season 2008 has started.
There probably aren’t too many people still listening to old Denis. The Eels boss seems to have lost all respect and any idea of reality several years ago. Many of the power brokers in NRL and Rugby League circles aren’t on speaking terms with Fitzgerald and it continues to amaze many how the struggling boss somehow continues to keep his job. And continue to look so stupid.
This time, Denis has managed to come out with 2 shockers in the space of 48 hours. After firstly ousting the Ray Price name from the stadium bar at the Parramatta, in favour of a ‘Cumberland’ name – apparently to boost public ‘non-league’ acceptance of the room. Many feel that a continuing to sour relationship between Fitzgerald and Price could be the real reason the former Eels great is losing his naming recognition within the club. The breakdown in relationship with Ray Price is a sad situation for the Eels club and fans alike, the former star of all the Eels Grand Finals – Price continues to get a raw deal as his seating and now naming rights are stripped away.
The always outrageous Fitzgerald has now also called for various NRL boardmembers to be stood down citing ‘conflict of interest’ issues. Only hours after the Ray Price situation has been aired publically.
At the NRL’s Rugby League conference in the Hunter Valley, Denis the menace has opened fire and continued to poor more egg on his already covered face – by saying that Nick Politis, the Sydney Roosters chairman, Cronulla chairman Barry Pierce and St George Illawarra director Bob Millward all resign from their NRL board of directors positions.
What makes things even more embarrasing for the out of touch Eels boss, is that Fitzgerald was at one stage a member of the ARL, NSWRL and NRL boards as well as continuing to be the boss of Parramatta.
It really is amazing that this embarrasing and incompetent guy can remain in a position of power. High hypcrytical, out of touch with the real world and his actions and remarks are mind boggling.
What’s the scariest, is that this guy can get into a position of power – and 99% of the Rugby League community can see how he has a negative effect on the Parramatta Eels club itself and the NRL as a whole – yet somehow he can dodge bullets and keep his bumbling self in the throne.
If there was a TV series similar to Survivor – then Denis Fitzgerald would be the ultimate contender. Somehow, after his outrageous outburts and negative relationships with Rugby League powerbrokers – this guy stays alive. Even at a personal level does this guy not feel embarrassment or realise how blatently stupid he looks? His teflon abilities would make him truly – the ultimate NRL survivor.
Oh well, it could be worse. Just spare a thought for the poor people that have to live with him.