Needing a win to get their season back on track, the Cronulla Sharks did it in style as they put the North Queensland Cowboys in their rear view mirror with a convincing display. 

Boasting a ton of stars, the Sharks have so far been unable to put it together in their inaugural season but it was a different story in Townsville against the Cowboys as they emerged 40-12 winners.

It took just over a minute for the Sharks to score first points as Tayla Preston put the ball on a platter for Ellie Johnston who bustled her way through the gap to score.

The Sharks momentum continued and they had a second as Emma Tonegato dummied, shrugged off several defenders and went over herself to score by reaching out.

The Sharks third came soon after when what seemed like a loose pass found its way into the hands of debutant Georgia Ravics, and she did the rest to score in the right corner.

There was just no stopping the Sharks as they had a fourth try in the first half. A Chloe Saunders break set the play up before Quincy Dodd found Brooke Anderson who cut back inside defenders to score.

The Cowboys were not be outdone, though, as they would score before the break.

Jasmine Peters stepped Tonegato and had too much speed for Jada Taylor as she won the race to the line.

The Sharks would then extend the lead once more as Taylor got herself on the scoreboard with a classy try.

A dummy and some speed saw her break the line before she bamboozled Fran Goldthorp at the back to score down the right.

Needing something to keep their slim hopes alive, Emma Manzelmann did her best to provide that as she caught markers off-guard on the last tackle and sliced through to score.

Any hope was soon dashed when Taylor found a gap, cut inside, took the line on before finding Quincy Dodd on her inside to score near the posts.

Talei Holmes and Sereana Naitokatoka then combined down the left to put the final nail in the coffin as the Sharks snapped a three-game losing streak.

Sharks coach Tony Herman praised his side for their game and the way they were able to ride the Cowboys’ momentum before getting it back themselves.

“I thought it was a really quality game of football,” Herman said.

“They completed really well and they had a set game plan and I think the girls just rode that out really well, the momentum.”

Cowboys coach Ben Jeffries was absolutely livid with his side’s performance at home.

“Embarrassing. Unacceptable. I’m actually speechless to be honest, Jeffries lamented.

“How they’ve trained all week and got prepared and then to dish that up. I think it comes down to individual prep.”

Cronulla Sharks 40 (Johnston, Tonegato, Ravics, Anderson, Taylor, Dodd, Naitokatoka; Goals: Preston 6) def. North Queensland Cowboys 12 (Peters, Manzelmann; Goals: Dibb 2).

NRL News NRLW Player of the Game

3. Chloe Saunders (CRO)

2. Emma Tonegato (CRO)

1. Emma Manzelmann (NQL)

By ricky

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