Matt Johns Group Sex Girl ClareIn what must be a frustrating development for Matt Johns, the female at the centre of group sex allegations has had the blow torch turned back on her by former work colleagues, who claim she ‘bragged’ about her group sex with Cronulla Rugby League players.

As the public remains divided on the outcome of the recent ABC Four Corners story, the sympathy for the New Zealand female who has gone public 7 years after the event seems to be faltering quickly.

According to former colleague Tania Boyd, the girl at the centre of group sex allegations not only bragged about her experience with the Rugby League players, but seemed genuinely excited and shared laughs with her work colleagues about the events that had occured prior.

It seems after 5 days, the girl known only as ‘Clare’ suddenly changed her story and approached police about the events that happened in the New Zealand hotel room.

However, it all means nothing now. The girls recent story has cost Matthew Johns his prime time role with Channel 9 and has sent his family into chaos as he fights to keep things together in the eye of a public media storm.

While some have suggested the ABC Four Corners documentary was ‘fair’, what is concerning is that the whole issue is a moral one not a legal one. Ultimately, it’s not for the media, the NRL or even Joe Public to decide who was right or wrong. No laws were broken, and while certainly not a good look – what took place is not really for any sporting body to govern.

At times in this past week Matt Johns has been treated like a criminal.

The whole affair has again reshaped the off-field territory that NRL players tread. NRL players now have lost their basic rights to enjoy a drink in many cases, enjoy public night spots and their personal affairs run the risk of being plaster over the next days newspapers.

Sure, there have been some that have absolutely done the wrong thing – but the majority have done things that many of the public and peers from other sports have been guilty of, yet League players cop much more severe consequences.

By ricky

3 thoughts on “Kiwi Girl ‘Bragged’ about group sex”
  1. ok…on the week-end i threw all my reg regan stuff out and all the memorabilla of matty that i had collected…
    firstly DO NOT even try and write a story about CLAIRE the kiwi was bragging…
    matt has admitted what he did was wrong,and the fact that i very much doubt his wife would ask him to bring six mates home for a shag-fest….so he knew it was wrong to start with.
    SECONDLY…DONT ever try and down play sexual abuse of any sort…i am a survivor of terrible sexual abuse from a family member..and i too have had suicidal thoughts…years and years of depresion and anxiety…finally over the last 6 months of intense therapy and counselling and mediacation…i now can get up and open my curtains in the morning.
    unless you have been through this kind of abuse you have absolutely no idea what thi girl is going through.
    my abuse occured over 20 years ago, it was by a family member who i am now taking legal action against.
    the fact is if it isnt something you would do to your own wife,girlfriend,partner..ect
    than it isnt right to do it at all.
    i am sooooooo shocked that matty was involved in this…and i can only pray for his wife and family through this difficiult time…as i have lost a brother to suicide and two others who dont want to deal with what happen to me…
    mattys wife will also be going through many sleep less nights,she will proberbly question her own decision a million more times, so will claire.
    But people need to realise there actions dont just stop at them,it is a domino effect and now there are many people dealing with this.
    like i said i have struggled through the recovery of my abuse, but it has taken ALOT of strength,willpower,commitment,and counselling…will i ever be that happy,cheerful,worry-free person again..i doubt it…as it is very hard to trust anyone again,after events like these.
    i hope CLAIRE gets clousure from this process, i also hope MRS JOHNS..mattys wife gets the support she needs, as this will be a truel horrible and emotional time for her…
    please dont condemn claire for her decision to come out 7 years later,as phycologist have researched this and it can take many many years,lets help
    everyone get through this the only way they know how to, but DONT PUNISH CLAIRE, you see the pain in MATTS face..well spare a thought for her,she has 2 countries divided over this scandal and no amount of publicity will make her feel any better.
    put both MATT and CLAIRE in a room together to let them deal with it and move on…I dont think the public need to know the details of where this goes now.

  2. I don’t believe what they ALL (yes, that includes claire) did was right, but if you go out and chat up some guys and follow them all in a room and offer yourself to “anyone who wants a bit of me”, what did you expect was going to happen? play cards?. Why is everyone only blaming matty, what about claire, she put herself in that situation and CONSENTED to it, Yes she admitted to it and bragged about it, why the hell should we feel sorry for her. Does she only feel like this because she thought her friends would be jealous and proud, but instead digusted and ashamed. We all love sex and how they do it and who they do it with(obviously as long as they are of LEGAL age), is their business. How is having group sex sexual assault, when they all consented to it? Sorry claire, you realised your compensation has run out and still not satisfied, so you thought would bring this up and BRAG about it again, but this time get paid for it. In my eye’s it’s shame on you. You have no one to blame but yourself. Alot of people might regret who they have slept with and how they did it, GET OVER IT, don’t blame other people for what you did.

  3. Oh well, whores will be whores. As a woman, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the real story. And QLD survivor – get over the victim mentality. This woman knew what she was doing and she still does. She wasn’t raped by a family member – she wasn’t raped at all. It seems the only stupid person here is you if you can’t see the situation for what it is. Group sex. Nothing abusive about that – they didn’t force her. I hope Claire realises what a disservice she is doing for REAL abuse victims. I just hope she got the payout she was looking for so that it was worth ruining numerous lives and making the public consider consentual group sex as ‘abuse’. What a dead set moron.

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